Interesting journal #11


Learning new words and creating a new one.

Weasel word: a part of a sentence that creates a sense of false authority or importance. Once you know about weasel words, you will see them everywhere. Knowing how to spot them helps to debunk misinformation and write better.



…it’s commonsense…


Up to eighty per cent…

Shibboleth: an arcane word, phrase or custom that can help distinguish one group of people from another. Similar to a password, it signals that you are part of a club.

The word folktale describes a story passed down from one generation to another.

I propose the creation of the word: folkfact.

A folkfact is a fact that is passed down from one generation to another. The truth of a folkfact is not discussed, and the origin is not clearly known.


Rusty objects cause tetanus

Mongol warriors called Tartars invented the steak tartare. They used to place a steak under their saddle to tenderize it before eating it raw.

Folkfacts are similar to common misconceptions, of which Wikipedia provides an extensive list.